If you like the Settlers of Catan...
...you will love this expansion I've come up with.
Forget about Cities & Knights - this is more fun.
For those of you familiar with the complete game, this is basically "discovery" mode Seafarers, but with several custom tiles which add several degrees of excitement to exploration. Exploration is necessary, risky, and rewarding.
Luck is a huge factor, but so are strategically-placed opening settlements.
The file has all the instructions you need, as well as the custom-made tile images.
If you have questions, or if you feel the instructions could be made clearer, either leave a comment here or email me.
I am not affiliated with Mayfair Games. This variant on the Settlers of Catan is not for sale; it's free, in the spirit of the Internet. If you like this version of the game, pass it on. Credit me or not, I don't care - just have fun playing it.
If you want to know who I am and what makes me tick, check out my main blog.
Certainly, one the condition that I can play it free :) ... the four player Settlers gets a bit boring on the computer.
That looks really interesting. I'm a sucker for Catan scenarios and new hex types, so I'll have to give this a shot sometime.
I have played this variation many times, and love it! I feel the only negative thing is the pirate! I am not a big fan of it's role in the game and therefor we end up not using it at all!
A big downside to this game is that I find it too easy to win, as the people I play with are really not skilled enough to be able to play with me! LOL
Nice outlay of the rules Doogie!
I want to let you know about this fabulous new piece of punctuation! Sometimes you may find that a sentence needs to be relayed in a manner which doesn't sound over-excited, and this is just the character for that!
Even pirates have bought in to its widespread usage these days!
It's known as the period! You may recognize it as the dot from on top of the lower-case letter "i"!
Graphically speaking, it's one of the easiest characters to render on a computer monitor, as it usually consists of a single pixel! Depending on your font size though!
Anyway, I'm glad you like my variation! Maybe someday you can play it with a group of friends I used to play it with until they moved out of town! They were real easy to beat, so I welcome a real challenger!
I like all the extra tiles and will certainly give this variant a try... One question though, doesn't the off-shore drilling platform seem a bit too modern? I mean with desert castles and towers and a sail pirate ship, I would think someone with an oil resource would dominate the game (once something like refining and outboard motors are discovered/invented) :)
maybe replace the oil picture with a small Treasure Island or Floating Treasure Chest (presumably with gold & gems in it)...
Still, great combination of tiles and I like the setup...
Meh, I figured that if Warcraft II could get away with having oil, so could I.
I'm not sure what I'd replace it with that would represent a water-based resource which could be used repeatedly. Maybe pearls... hmm...
excellent variation on an equally excellent game. We have a group that meets at least weekly sometimes more and settlers has long been a fav. We will definitely try this new twist hope to hear of more ideas on the game.
This is a genius setup, but what did worry me was that oil in the ocean thing, but I read that you didn't know what you could put there.
I think your suggestion of pearls would be a better idea personally.
I'm glad to see that i'm not the only person who has ideas for custom expansions for Settlers.
I recently came up with my own expansion idea that wouldn't alter the game too much and would be useable with the normal Settlers or the expansion of extra players (not seafarers or knights)
If you would like to read up on my idea just post back on this blog and I will send you an email or post it in this blog.
Good work on making an expansion that looks like it could be an official expansion for this great game.
I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Drop me an email at [spam protection] convertman - @ - gmail.com. [/spam protection] Or feel free to post it here.
Ok, my expansion doesn't have much of a "total new game" feel to it, but it's more of an addition to the normal gameplay of normal settlers (not seafarers or knights).
This expansion is called "The Fight for Territory", and it's based on control of hexagons to increase your resource income.
Since one hexagon can hold a maximum of 3 settlements/cities, I thought I could use that idea for my added rule.
If you have a hexagon completely filled with only your settlements and roads, then it's called "Completely Controlled Hexagon". This means you must have 3 settlements/cities and 6 roads connecting these 3 structures.
The added benefit of doing this is whenever someone rolls the number of the completely controlled hexagon, you get an additional resource of the resource you have completely controlled.
For example, lets say you have a Wood 6 with 2 settelements and a city. If someone rolls a 6, you normally would get 4 wood, but if this hexagon is completely controlled you would get 5 wood.
That is my first concept.
My second one is a development card. It is very simple yet effective.
Dynamite. The use of this card allows you to remove either 2 roads of 1 enemy's road system (these roads can be anywhere on the board), remove 2 of your own in case you accidentally put roads in a bad spot and need more near the end of the game to help you, or remove 1 road from 2 different enemy players.
When you remove the roads, they go back to the person you removed the road from and the person can use them again if they have the resources.
And that's what my expansion consists of. I think it might be too little of additional stuff for it to be considered an expansion so I am trying to come up with more ideas.
Maybe it's my cruel streak, but I think if you blow up a road, it's blown up and the player cannot re-use the road piece in that game.
The controlled tile reminds me of another idea I had for my Isles concept... if you discover a completely land-locked water tile and settle on its shore, you'd get a victory point there.
Maybe it's time to consider a 2.0 version of this thing. Hmm.
Love it! However, just two things I'd like to suggest:
1) An updated graphics in regards to the resource tiles and such..
2) All tiles located together or as many as can fit per page.
Thanks again! Great job!
I am real2me@yahoo.com
email is lower case no spaces starting with "i"
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